So I’ve spent a couple of days without trading because I’ve been a bit busy.
Monday I had to work in the afternoon, bummer!, Tuesday I got a couple of trades in and netted a £2.25 profit but had to go out late afternoon for some beers with friends and today I had to take Mrs to Newquay, I got back in time for the 16:10 but didn’t feel like trading so I thought I’d bore you with my blog update.
Tuesday afternoon I spent a little time just watching the markets, trying to see how things react, wondering if there are any “standard” patterns to odds movement but gave that up, whacked in a couple of trades, won and got ready to go out.
Touchwood, all should be ok for a full afternoons trading on Thursday, lets see how it all goes tomorrow.
I've posted the pic from Sundays trading, showing the £1.32 loss and the £2.25 profit from yesterday (net £0.93) just in case any of you had thought I’d won a shedload and buggered off to Rio.
Resting On Their Laurels
1 day ago
Greetings Andy,
ReplyDeleteI have added your link to my blog list on my site would you be kind enough to look over my blog for possible inclusion on your fine site.
Hi Andy. hope yur trading well 2day.
ReplyDeleteust wanted to know how you paste yur p/l onto your blog.
Hi Chart Trader
ReplyDeleteWhat is is you want to know, how to copy the Betfair P & L or just how to upload the picture to your blog.
ReplyDeleteI've added you blog to my list although I'm more of a trader than a gambler.
Keeping on the list is down to how often people update and whether it offers me any pointers.
An interesting read all the same.